Matamata Tanks & Vats

New & Secondhand

For over 30 years Kevin Buckley has owned, operated and built Matamata Tanks & Vats into the business it is today.

He is a licenced secondhand pawnbroker dealer and owns all the inventory he sells.
He prides himself on his service and has around 200 tanks and vats in stock most of the time. 

“I specialise in secondhand dairy vats for the dairy and goat farmers who have to provide their own refrigerated vats that their company does not provide for them. I also do vats for honey, cheese, wine, fruit, buffalo milk and sheep milk farmers to name a few.”



All stainless steel tanks, truck tanks, milk storage and many more.


Vats in a range of sizes and shapes with and without manholes.



We stock a range of secondhand vats & tanks


New and used vat stirring units and paddles

Common Parts

 For vats and truck tanks we have many replacement parts

If I don’t have the size or type of  vat in stock I can usually source one within the week.

I have freighted vats and tanks up to Kaitaia in the far north and to Invercargill in the deep south.

I have a network of freight companies I like to use so the job gets done right with the right people and to my delivery standard. Using Hi-abbs on the trucks to lift.


To view any of my vats and tanks, an appointment is a good idea, by phone.
I do weekend appointments if the appointment is made early enough in the week so I can be around on the weekend (I have a life too).
9am to 10:30am in the mornings is good for contacting me by phone. I work from home, between Matamata and Waharoa, on State Highway 27 in the middle of the North Island (55 years).